Cana Walnut Orchard, Chico, CA
Property Overview

Property Details
43.48+/- deeded acres planted to Hartley and Vina walnuts on Class 2 soils, level orchard floor, located 6 +/- miles north of Chico at the northeast corner of Broyles Road and Cana Pine Creek Road. Approximately 6 miles north of Chico and 2 mile (W) of Highway 99E. The orchard is located at the northeast corner of Broyles Road and Pine Creek Road. Section 9, T23N, R1W
Water: Irrigation is provided by agricultural well with a 75 HP electric turbine pump. Pump and well production estimated at 1,200 GPM providing 29 GPM per acre using 41 planted acres.
Irrigation: The orchard is irrigated in one set using Nelson Rotator sprinklers and buried PVC solid set system. Sprinkler spacing is 42’ x 48’.
Soils: Per NRCS, the soils are rated Class 2. The primary soil is 449; Haploxerolls Loam, the secondary soil is 425, Vina Fine Sandy Loam. These soils have a reputation of supporting some of the best orchard crops in Northern California.
Walnuts: Net orchard acres are estimated at 41 acres. Seller states the trees are 20 +/- years old, planted on black walnut rootstock. The Vina and Hartley walnuts are planted every other row with farming rows running east to west. The tree spacing is 24’ (harvest width row) by 28’ (down the row). Every other Hartley tree has been removed to provide more light for increased orchard production. 2018 production was 3,258 lbs per acre, 2019 production was 2,414 lbs per acre. The 2 year average is 2,836 lbs per acre.
2020 Crop: Included in the offering provided Buyer reimburses Seller for cultural costs to close of escrow.
Zoning: Butte County Parcel Number 047-060-040-000. The parcel is zoned AG-80 (Agriculture, 80-acre minimum). Current property taxes are $14,794 per year.
Mineral Rights: Oil, gas, mineral and water rights owned by the seller will be transferred at escrow closing.
Depreciation: Improvements such as the trees, well, irrigation systems may offer depreciation advantages to a prospective Buyer.
Equipment: No mobile farm machinery is included.
Comments: Opportunity to purchase a producing efficiently operated walnut orchard planted on good farmland with reliable groundwater. It’s located just north of Chico with paved county road access on two sides. There are no buildings to maintain but if desired, zoning may allow construction of home and other structures.
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