Antelope Creek Walnut Orchard
Property Overview
- Price: $395,000
- Address: 25079 6th Avenue, Los Molinos, CA 96055
- Lot size: 21.16 acres
Asessor Parcel Map | EnPlan Map | NCRS Soils Map | Orchard Map | Yield History Report | Property Detail Report

Property Details
21.16 +/- deeded acres planted to Howard walnut trees located 3.5 miles north of Los Molinos, CA. Irrigated using surface water diversion from Antelope Creek tributary, above ground tubing with micro sprinklers. No structures exist on the property but there are several potential home site locations on 6th Avenue.
Property: 21.16 +/- deeded acres planted to Howard walnut trees located 3.5 miles north of Los Molinos, CA. Irrigated using surface water diversion from Antelope Creek tributary, above ground tubing with micro sprinklers. No structures exist on the property but there are several potential homesite locations on 6th Avenue.
Location: From Los Molinos, CA travel north on Highway 99E about 3.5 miles. Orchard is located at NW corner of Highway 99E and 6th Avenue. The address is 25079 6th Avenue, Los Molinos, CA 96055
Walnuts: A total of 18 +/- acres are planted to Howard walnuts on Paradox rootstock. 12.6 acres planted in 2008 are 14 years old and 5.4 acres planted in 2020 are 2 years old. Tree spacing is 14’ x 26’, 120 trees per acre. The 14 year old block yield average is above 5,000 in-shell pounds per acre. The young block reflects potential to also be a high producing orchard.
Crop: 2023 crop included in the sale provided Buyer reimburses Seller cultural costs from October 15, 2022 to close of escrow.
Soils: Per NRCS, 97% of the soils are rated class 1, Co: Columbia loam; VnA: Vina loam and Vy: Vina clay loam. The topography is level to slightly sloping allowing for good drainage.
Water: Irrigated using diversion from tributary to Antelope Creek, above ground tubing with micro sprinklers. A portable diesel engine and lift pump draws water from the tributary for both blocks of walnuts.
Zoning: Tehama County Parcel Number 047-090-006. Zoning is AG-AP (40 acre minimum). The parcel is enrolled in the Ag Preserve aka Williamson Act. Current property taxes are 1,759 per year.
Mineral Rights: Oil, gas, minerals and water rights owned by Seller to transfer.
Depreciation: Improvements such as the trees and irrigation system may offer deprecation advantages to a prospective Buyer.
Comments: Opportunity to purchase 21 +/- acres of class 1 soils planted to walnuts. The parcel has several potential farmstead locations should you wish to build a home and live within the strong communities of Dairyville and Los Molinos.
Listing Price: $395,000, cash to Seller
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